Our Year 1 meeting will take place in Manchester at the Hyatt Regency Hotel
A copy of the programme is here. Please note that this is a closed meeting.
The National Measurement Laboratory is offering free online training to Elemental Hub PDRAs and Co-Is.
They have secured BBSRC funding to develop and run a metrology and standardisation course specifically for the Engineering Biology Mission Awards and this will be offered across all the Hubs and awards.
Structure: The initial stage of the training would be online with one of the NML team, typically in a group of ~20 people comprised of members of all the EB Mission Awards (likely to be around 8 or 9 groups of 20). It is envisaged that this training will take around 6 hours in total but delivered over 2-2.5 days (possibly a morning/afternoon or lunch and learn type sessions). The training will be interactive with the use of polls/chat function and would be recorded with the slides used being made available to attendees afterwards. This is likely to start in February/March 2025 and is **free** to PDRA’s and Co-Is on the Elemental Hub.
For those interested in progressing to advanced training, this will be delivered in person from 2026 and likely to be funded through our seedcorn award.
Content: Prior to commencing training, attendees will be sent a survey from NML to gauge level of prior knowledge and areas of interest, so that the content can be made relevant. A link to some of the NML existing online courses can be found here if you would like to get an idea of how these look.
The initial stage of training is designed to support TRLs 1-4; the advanced training is aimed at TRLs 5-7 (support for commercialisation), then support via direct discussions with NML scientists for TRL8-9 (see slide 6).
If you are interested in registering for this training, please email elementalmetalhub@kent.ac.uk by week ending 17 January 2025.
Metal Recovery Workshop – Jan 20
The primary objective of this workshop is to share cutting-edge research and advancements in biotechnological approaches for the recovery of technology-relevant metals. The workshop seeks to emphasize solutions that promote circular
economy principles and minimize environmental impact.
See the flyer here for further details and how to participate.
Details may be found here
Professor Martin Warren introduced ELEMENTAL Metal Hub to the meeting. EngBio slides
Do you want to find out how your career might develop working for industry, the differences between industrial- and academic-driven research and how the industrial environment matches your career ambitions?
Are you interested? If you are (a) an Early Career Researcher (normally at year 3 or later of PhD training or on your first post-doctoral position in an academic environment but potentially in the early stages of an industrial career) and (b) working in the area of bioprocessing of biopharmaceuticals or novel biological therapeutics then this could be an ideal opportunity for you. It is likely that you are already working on a project that has an industrial collaborator but this is not essential.
The week-long residential programme is co-organised by BioProNET2 and E3B (a BBSRC Network in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy, BBSRC NIBB) and is possible due to funding from the BBSRC. Participation will be limited to 18 attendees. Your accommodation, meals and all training activities will be provided to eligible applicants. Each participant will be asked to make a £150 non-returnable contribution for registration once their acceptance of a place is confirmed.
Formal REGISTRATION is now open and you can make informal enquiries to Dr Jo Flannelly (joanne.flannelly@manchester.ac.uk).
Sessions form part of an integrated package that culminate in a Dragons Den-type pitch for establishment of a novel business concept:
Researchers from the US Critical Materials Innovation Hub, together with the UK Science and Innovation Network, academic, Department of Energy and industrial colleagues from the US, visited the UK 2-6 December 2024 for workshops with Elemental Hub members to discuss mutual research interests and potential collaborations.
A visit to Prof. Jon Lloyd in Manchester took place 3-4 December. A workshop with Elemental Hub members, academic guests and representatives from BBSRC, Innovate UK and DSIT took place at the Natural History Museum in London on 5-6 December.
Slides from presentations on 5 December may be seen here. Slides from presentations on 6 December may be seen here.